Sunday, November 11, 2007


A small park located right on Washington Street was our site of analysis for this examination. The elongated shape of the plan allows for a smooth flow of traffic around the area, and also creates a nice atmosphere for local small-scale shops.
The entire park area is surrounded by several layers of enclosures. The inner most ring of enclose occurs as an envelope of trees and canopies. The trees are space evenly around the area, and help to create a visual barrier between the quiet interior space and the noise of Washington Street. the second layer of enclosure is a fence that surrounds the entire green space, and is only broken at the park's four points of entry. (typical entry pictured below). The final layer of enclosure around the park were the streets and the buildings that face the green space.
An interesting moment occurs at one of the parks entry points - a view corridor is created whose axis cuts directly through the center of the park and intersects with its enclosures. The fence becomes perforated to allow for pedestrian traffic, and a better view.other interesting planning techniques can be seen in the park's drainage system. the pathways that pass through the green space are constructed of large cement tiles with a crown in the center. The crown allows water to drain off to the sides into swales covered with bricks. The bricks allow for a deeper penetration from surface water, and any excess is forced down through the swales to storm drains at the bottom.

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